My Favorite Reads of 2024

2024 has drawn to a close, and I'm both proud and relieved to say that I accomplished my goal of reading 36 books in the year. I managed to read 38! I log all my reading on my storygraph.

This post is just a brief review of the best books …

The Shenandoah Musselburgh: A Project of Many "Firsts"

Crochet was my gateway into crafting with yarn. I will always have a crochet project or two (or nine) queued up, but lately I've been delving into the world of knitting more and more. Recently I finished my first major knit project, so this post is going to explore my …

My Essentials & Nice-To-Haves for Bike Commuting

My newfound joy

Over the past year I have happily become a regular bike commuter, biking to and from the office a few times a week. Doing so has shaped my life for the better. Not only am I a healthier person physically, but I find myself looking forward to …

How I Made This Site

This site was made using the Pelican static site generator, and hosted on Github pages

It took a fair amount of trial-and-error to get this site live, so I thought I would post my process here for future reference, and in case it helps anyone else out. Please note these …